Liability Waiver
Josh Rogers Fitness
Full Release, Waiver and Hold-Harmless Agreement
I,________________________________,(hereinafter referred to as “client”) for the privledge of being allowed to participate in physical training and for other adequate and sufficient consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby expressly agree to fully release, and waive any and all claims against and hold-harmless Josh Rogers Fitness (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) from any future liability resulting from the intentional or negligent acts of any agent, employees, servant, officer, personal fitness trainer (PFT), guest, invitee, or trespassor of the Company.
Additionally, Client hereby agrees to fully release, waive any and all clients against and hold-harmless the Company from any future liability, losses, claims, costs or expenses (including attourney fees) from personal injury or otherwise, that is the direct or indirect result of any faulty, defective, unrepaired, broken, or unassembled equipment of the Company. Client hereby acknowledges that he/she trains and/or works out at his/her own risk. Client expressly assumes any and all risks associated with physical activity and/or training.
Client further acknowledges that he/she has no medical and/or physical condition that Client has not made known to the Company that could result in harm to the Client from physical activity of any kind. Client hereby agrees to fully release and waive any and all claims against and hold-harmless the Company from any future liability, from personal injury to client or otherwise, that is a direct or indirect result of Client’s non-disclosure of any known medical and/or physical condition of Client or of Client’s failure to make known to the Company any reasonable discoverable medical and/or physical condition of Client.
Miscellaneous Provisions
This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and that there are no understandings, either expressed or implied, not specifically contained herein.
The terms and provisions of the agreement are to be severable. If any one or more of its terms and provisions is found by any court of competent jurisdiction to be for any reason invalid or unenforceable, such findings is not to affect the enforceability of the rest of the Agreement.
This Agreement may be altered, amended or cancelled only by Instrument in writing signed by each of the parties.
Executed on this _____ day of ________________20_____
Client Printed Name ________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________
Before receiving access to the 4-week program you must email a signed copy of the liability waiver to josh@joshrogersfitness.com . If you are under the age of 18, you must have your parents or guardian send in their signature as well.
Instructions on how to email liability waiver:
1. copy & paste the liability waiver above into a word document.
2. type in the date, signature (may be typed), name, email, address, and phone number.
3. save word document
4. email to josh@joshrogersfitness.com
5. you will then receive access to the workouts